A Message from our Student Ambassadors

Summer break has officially come to an end, and students everywhere have returned to campus or have left their family homes for the first time! There is bound to be a jumble of emotions and nerves, especially for those incoming freshmen.

Going off to college is a monumental time in our lives and something to be celebrated! You now have this amazing opportunity to meet life-long friends, learn more about the world, and discover yourself with this new sense of freedom. Even if you’re studying from home, choosing to continue your education is a huge deal! 

This next chapter in our lives only happens once, and of course we want this to be a positive experience - but what if it isn’t exactly what we expected? 

Ana and Erin drinking Sarilla next to the pool

Everyone is different, including our emotions and how we handle each situation. Some of us can feel right at home in the world, and others under the same circumstances can have an entirely different experience. Studies show that 44% of college students have experienced symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

What’s important to remember is that you aren't alone, and shouldn’t expect to always have it all together. However, you do have the power to overcome difficult challenges and grow from them!

Real Tips from REAL Students

For the times that you’re ever feeling lost, here are a few tips from REAL students from around the country on how they find their balance:

My #1 self care tip is managing my schedule so that I have at least one day free of school/work commitments.”


 “Sometimes I feel the need to take a break from going out, so I like to unwind by myself with comfort food, watching Netflix, and making cute mocktails”


“... acknowledge that if I am in a bad headspace and it has been a few days since I exercised, then it will likely be a good starting point to shifting my mindset.”


“Take time for myself in whatever way I am feeling up for that day…. I don’t like to put pressure on myself to do a specific activity everyday”


 “Allow myself to physically slow down. During transition periods, I find myself on the go a lot. Taking time to cuddle up and watch a movie, not only slows me down physically but mentally as well!”


“Wearing my SoulKu necklace helps me feel like I can really get in touch with myself. The Amazonite is supposed to help me channel my courage, but they all have different kinds of pieces and intentions!"

SoulKu Touchstone courage necklace

“Simply doing things that bring me enjoyment like playing instruments, listening to music, or having good company around me…”

Moving Forward

You deserve the opportunity to go to school someplace where you feel safe, connected, and have the ability to focus and learn new things. Don’t let these passing moments of struggle steer you away from your path to success and what matters most to you! 

Once you begin to feel overwhelmed, make sure to make time for yourself and away from the everyday pressures so you can reduce stress and improve your mental health.

Remember to:

  • Take a break
  • Talk to someone
  • Be mindful of your habits
  • Find your inner power
  • Make a plan

We hope that these tips will help you on your journey as you navigate throughout your life and the school year! Your definition of self-care may differ from someone else’s, but that’s what makes us unique! When you stay true to yourself and listen to your body, you’re nourishing your inner power and exemplifying your resilience. 


If you'd like to learn more about finding your inner power and overcoming hardships, we offer our UMUTUZO Resilience Handbook online, which supports our partners in Rwanda. We also invite you to join us on our Crop to Cup Tour in Rwanda at the end of the year. We will be returning for the first time since the pandemic, and you will have the opportunity to meet the women of the UMUTUZO (Resilience) Women’s Cooperative and learn from their own experiences.  


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