How To Find Your Purpose

So many of us are searching. We deeply desire to be happy. Not the fleeting kind of excited happy that is easy to find in an activity, but the kind that is rooted in our core. Some call it satisfaction, or joy, or inner peace

Have you tasted this?
Maybe you had a moment where you felt it. An inspired thought or a warm sensation in your stomach that caused you to feel utterly in love with life. Whatever it feels like for you, know that it is possible to expand that moment so that it becomes part of your everyday life. If you haven't, don't despair, we will get there together.

I remember when I was in my early twenties and so hungry for meaning in my life. To many I seemed happy but I was constantly seeking relief from outside sources like alcohol, relationships, over-scheduling, even exercise. My work did not feel like it was life-changing in any way, and there was an emptiness. I could have continued in this mediocre way, but I felt like I was dying inside and there was a spark that pushed me to keep searching.

So I searched. For nearly a decade. I already knew what I had to do to find it. First, I had to let go of the things that were cutting me off from the spirit of my true self. For me, the first thing to go was alcohol but maybe it is something else for you. Only you can decide. Maybe it is a chronic habit that leads to shame or guilt, or destruction. That is the thing to deal with first. You probably won't succeed through discipline or through self-will. Those things come later. Addictive behaviors require a much different solution. I will speak about that later.

About half of you will drop off now. No worries. You can come back to this work when you are ready. If you are hungry enough to live your best life and to be in the purpose of your soul's deepest desire, you will do whatever it takes to get there.

Stay with the Sarilla channel to uncover some suggested steps in your journey. 2023 marks our year to build meaningful content that will help you rediscover or redefine yourself.

Celebrating everyday life,

Founder, Sarilla 

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